Home > GEICO Privileges Savings Program

GEICO Privileges Savings Program

April 9th, 2007 at 11:19 pm

Text is GEICO Privileges and Link is
GEICO Privileges

I found this today and thought it was pretty cool. It's the GEICO privileges savings program. You can get discounts at hundreds of national retailers.

It is a free service provided by GEICO. You do not have to be a policyholder to sign up, you just have to provide your e-mail address.

2 Responses to “GEICO Privileges Savings Program”

  1. Elly Says:

    In other news, I learned how to hyperlink on here. Woot!!

  2. PauletteGoddard Says:

    Oh man, what a useful link! I actually could use some of those offers -- thanks for sharing!

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